
Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Contoh Comparative Teks dan Flowchart From Procedural Teks

Contoh Comparative teks :
I have two laptops, the branded of laptop is acer and hp, hp laptop is as good performance as acer laptop. But in graphics acer is better than hp. And the battery life of Acer is longer than hp. Acer is the thinnest laptop and most expensive that i had.

Contoh 1 Flowchart :

The court annexed mediation and judicial dispute resolution is paramount, if we are to get into trouble or dispute with other people. first of all, the parties must filing of complaint / answer through the office of
the clerk of court. Before the process of court, the court give pre-trial referral. After that, selection of mediator and scheduling. court did mediation prope, which was attended by the mediator, the parties and lawyers. if the parties settled, the parties to an agreement compromise approval of the agreement by the prosecutor and get approval by the judge. If the parties not settled, the parties back to court and mediation by the JDR judge, if the parties settled, the parties can get compromise agreement and judge approves. If not settled, trial judge proceed to trial.

Contoh 2 Flowchart :

Motorcycle is one of the transportation, motorcycle can facilitate us in traveling. Before traveling, we have to check the weather. We can check it in newspaper, TV or radio. if it does not rain, we can go to traveling. However, if rain will be happen, we must wear a raincoat and we can go.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Contoh Teks Recount, Descriptive dan Procedural

Contoh Teks Recount :

 Fun Saturday with My Classmate
Last saturday, me and my classmate want to had a class photo, so at that time we went to jonas photo studio. We had plan to Jonas photo studio at 9.00 am. Because many were late to came, we went to jonas at 2.00 pm, after we arrived in Jonas photo studio at 3.00 pm, we had to wait in line for took our pictures. And in time we took pictures at 5.00pm. After we took the pictures, we went to madtari for ate. After that, we went back to home, in the way we got involved in a jam. And the and alhamdulillah we arrived destination with safely. It was really fun day for our. 

Contoh Teks Descriptive :

I have a classic car, the car is produced by Toyota Corporate. The cars name is Toyota Corolla DX, this car made in 1983. The color of car is white, the car has 1300 cc power engine. The Car uses premium fuel. It has two front seats and two back seats.This car has a cream colored seat cover. It has bag baggage car. The all accessories are still original, from bumper, velg and machine. It has four doors, two front doors and two back doors. The car looks beautiful classic and I love this car.

Contoh Teks Procedural :

How to make Fried Rice

  Do you know how to make a fried rice?everyone knows fried rice and that is easy to make. I will explain to you how to make it.
  Before you know how to make it, you should prepare ingredients such as one egg,three red onion, three garlic, a pinch of salt, two tablespoons soy sauce, cooking oil, add chili sauce or tomato sauce if you want. Now, to make a fried rice, you will need some kitchen utensils like a frying pan, a fork, a spatula, a knife and a plate. I will tell you the steps how to make fried rice.
  First, slice red onion and garlic. After that chop red onion and garlic, heat oil in frying pan. Next, put red onion and garlic into frying pan. Crack egg and put it into frying pan. Stir egg and onions. After that, add a plate of rice, a pinch of salt,two tablespoons soy sauce into frying pan. Stir it all until mixed. Place it on a plate. You can try it, good luck.

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Avira Free Antivirus 2013

Antivirus-Avira kini mengeluarkan versinya yang terbaru yaitu Avira Version 2013, bagi temen-temen yang mau mencoba versi premium trialnya bisa klik disini , seperti biasanya trialnya berdurasi 30 hari. Nah sekarang kita bahas buat Avira Free Antivirus 2013nya,avira pada versi ini mempunyai  fitur tambahan, yang kita tahu kan avira free yang 2012 cuma ada fitur Real-Time

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Cara Memasukkan Emoticon Pada Postingan di Blog

Emoticon- Pasti teman-teman yang suka chatingan entah itu di bm,facebook,ym atau media sosial lainnya pasti tau kegunaan emot itu sendiri, salah satu manfaatnya yaitu menambah keseruan saat  chating, betul ngga ya :t :D

Nah pada blog sendiri emot juga ada manfaatnya, ya mungkin menambah menarik postingan pada blog :D , contohnya pada postingan ini, saya mencoba memakai emoticon yang berasal dari YM.

Bagi temen-temen yang ingin postingannya memakai emot ini, nah berikut ini ada tutornya :

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Odd Eye Pada Kucing - Cat Lovers

Nama kucing diatas namanya Ciko, ganteng kan kucingnya :D, Ciko ini termasuk jenis persia medium, kenapa disebut persia medium?soalnya idungnya ngga terlalu demek alias pesek, kalo pesek namanya kan persia peaknose,bener ngga?hehe

Umur ciko sekarang uda 14 bulan, perkiraan siih :D, ciko sendiri uda bnyak fansnya, tuh liat uda ada yg minta photo bareng aja :D
Sebenernya Ciko ini termasuk kucing yg bermata odd eye, Apa sih itu odd eye????

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Membuat Gadget Yahoo Mesengger "YM"

Buat temen-temen yang pengen membuat gadget "ym" di blognya supaya "ym"-nya kliatan online ato offline oleh pengunjung blog lain, ini di bawah ini dikasi tau caranya. Oh iya..tapi jangan lupa,teman-teman sebelumnya harus mempunyai dulu akun ym-nya ya ;D
Sebelumnya ini gambar gadget ym yg akan terlihat di blog teman-teman:

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Cara Membuat Shoutmix (obrolan chat)

Langsung aja ya temen-temen..bagi temen-temen yang di blognya pengen ada chating obrolan (shoutmix) udah langsung aja daftar ksini:http://www.shoutmix.com/
Disana kita harus daftar dulu..klo udah daftranya..copy aja code javascriptnya lalu dipaste di blog temen-temen.
dengan mengklik edit tata letak trus pilih add gadget abis itu pilih javascript,nah klo udah gitu paste code yang tadi...